· devops · 5 min read

The Virtuoso's Blueprint - Best Practice Guide Tutorial Step by Step to Setup CI/CD Pipeline

Master the art of CI/CD pipelines for PHP with Docker, Symfony, Redis, and MongoDB. This guide ensures streamlined builds and deployments for superior software delivery.

Step into the future of seamless software delivery with this comprehensive Best Practice Guide Tutorial Step by Step to Setup CI/CD Pipeline. Learn how to finesse your PHP projects with Docker, Symfony, Redis, and MongoDB, ensuring a symphony of streamlined builds, tests, and deployments.

When it comes to software development, the rhythm of innovation never skips a beat. And within this cadence, the Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline is the maestro, ensuring every piece of code performs in perfect harmony from conception to delivery. Imagine if you could elevate your PHP project—complete with Docker-compose, Symfony, Redis, and MongoDB—to a crescendo of efficiency and reliability. Well, hold on to your hat, because that’s exactly what we’re about to dive into!

In this Best Practice Guide Tutorial Step by Step to Setup CI/CD Pipeline, I’ll take you through the allegro and adagio of CI/CD, ensuring that by the end, you’ll be orchestrating your own pipelines like a seasoned conductor. So, sharpen your pencils, and let’s score your masterpiece.

Laying Down the Foundation

Understanding the CI/CD Score

Before we even think about diving into .gitlab-ci.yml, let’s wrap our head around the symphony we’re composing. CI/CD pipelines are like complex musical arrangements. They require practice, patience, and a keen ear for detail.


Harmonious Integration

  • CI/CD pipelines keep your codebase in a state of harmony, ready to be deployed at any time.

Solo to Symphony

  • Individual code changes are integrated into the whole, ensuring the software performs as a cohesive symphony.


  • Automated pipelines mean your software is always ready for an encore, with updates pushed seamlessly to the audience (users).


Rehearsal Required

  • Setting up a CI/CD pipeline can be complex; it’s like learning a new instrument. It takes time to master.

A Finicky Audience

  • Missteps in setup can lead to deployment disasters—every musician’s nightmare.

The Cost of Admission

  • There can be an investment in tools and platforms to get your pipeline up and running.

Prepping the Stage

Before the curtain rises, there’s groundwork to be done. For our PHP project, we need Docker to create a consistent environment, Symfony as our framework, Redis for caching, and MongoDB for data storage.

Here’s a checklist to get the ball rolling:

  • Install Docker and Docker-compose on your machine.
  • Ensure PHP is at the latest version compatible with Symfony.
  • Install Symfony and set up a new project if you haven’t already.
  • Get Redis and MongoDB running in Docker containers.
version: '3'

    image: php:8.2.12-fpm
    image: 'redis:alpine'
    image: 'mongo:latest'

Composing the .gitlab-ci.yml

The Overture - The Build Stage

Building is the first act of our CI/CD symphony, turning source code into a conductible artefact. Here’s how you’d script it:

  - build
  - test
  - deploy

  stage: build
    - echo "Commencing the build sequence..."
    - docker-compose up -d --build

This snippet sets the stage for Docker-compose to bring up our services, ensuring everything is tuned and ready.

The Crescendo - The Test Stage

Testing is where you ensure each instrument (or function) is pitch-perfect. PHPUnit, PHPStan, and PHPCS are our tuning forks here.

  stage: test
    - echo "Running PHPUnit tests..."
    - ./vendor/bin/phpunit
  stage: test
    - echo "Analysing code quality with PHPStan..."
    - ./vendor/bin/phpstan analyse src/
  stage: test
    - echo "Checking code style with PHPCS..."
    - ./vendor/bin/phpcs

Each test runs in its own job, ensuring our code hits every note as intended.

The Finale - The Deployment Stage

Deploying is the grand finale, where we present our project to the world.

  stage: deploy
    - echo "Deploying to production server..."
    - deployment_script.sh

This snippet would be where you add the script to take the build artefact and release it to your production servers.

This serves as a first impression and a rough understanding of the “Best Practice Guide Tutorial Step by Step to Setup CI/CD Pipeline”. In the complete article, each section would augment the last, delving deeper into the nuances, discussing how to troubleshoot pesky bugs, lock down your security tight as a drum, and keep the gears of your pipeline oiled for uninterrupted performance. By the time you reach the end, you’ll be fully versed in the CI/CD concerto, ready to tackle even the trickiest of coding compositions with poise and prowess.


  1. What if my tests fail in the CI/CD pipeline?

    • Fret not! It’s like hitting a wrong note during rehearsal. You fix it and try again. The pipeline will inform you what went wrong, and you’ll be able to correct it before any flawed code reaches production.
  2. How often should I run my CI/CD pipeline?

    • Every time you make a change to the code! Think of it like practicing scales; the more you do it, the better the outcome.
  3. Is CI/CD worth it for small projects?

    • Absolutely. Even a solo performance deserves a flawless execution. CI/CD helps maintain high standards, no matter the size of the project.


In closing, setting up a CI/CD pipeline is akin to writing a symphony. It requires careful thought, a meticulous hand, and an ear for quality. With the “Best Practice Guide Tutorial Step by Step to Setup CI/CD Pipeline”, I’ve laid out the steps to compose your pipeline in a way that should harmonize your deployment process.

Remember, the beauty of CI/CD lies in its continuous nature. It’s not a one-time performance but an ongoing part of your development process. So, take a bow; your audience awaits.

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