· software development · 8 min read

What is a race condition?

In this article, we will discuss the concept of a race condition, which is a situation that occurs in concurrent systems when two or more processes access shared resources simultaneously, leading to unpredictable and undesirable outcomes.

In this article, we will discuss the concept of a race condition, which is a situation that occurs in concurrent systems when two or more processes access shared resources simultaneously, leading to unpredictable and undesirable outcomes.

A race condition occurs when multiple operations that may only be finished sequentially are attempted simultaneously on a device or system. This phrase is typically used by programmers and computer scientists to describe situations in which concurrent access to a shared resource by two or more threads or processes results in unanticipated and unfavorable effects.

In multithreaded applications, race conditions are a frequent problem that must be handled carefully to avoid problems.

Is the Unpredictable Behavior of Your Software Being Caused by Race Conditions?

A race condition can be illustrated using an online banking example. Imagine two account holders attempting to transfer money from a shared joint account to their individual accounts simultaneously. Both users initiate the transfer of $500 each when the joint account has a balance of $600.

If the banking system does not properly handle concurrent transactions, it might process both transfers simultaneously, allowing each user to receive $500, even though the joint account only had $600. This could result in an incorrect account balance or an overdraft.

Similarly, a race condition can occur in computer memory or storage when read and write requests for a large amount of data are received almost simultaneously. The system may attempt to overwrite old data while it is still being read, leading to various outcomes such as computer freezes, program errors, or illegal operation errors related to data updating.

A race condition can occur when two processes need to perform a bit flip on the same memory location, and their instructions are processed in the wrong order. This can cause the bit to have an incorrect value, such as a 1 when it should be 0.

Logic gates can also experience race conditions when inputs conflict, as the output state takes some time to react to changes in input states. This can lead to problems in sensitive circuits or devices following the gate.

Overall, it’s important to ensure that processes and logic gates are designed to avoid race conditions to prevent unexpected and potentially harmful behavior.

Race Conditions Types

Based on how they affect a system, race conditions can be divided into critical and noncritical types:

  1. A device, system, or program can change its end state as a result of critical race circumstances. For instance, it is a critical race condition if simultaneously turning two switches attached to the same light causes the circuit to short out. An unpredictable or undefined problem is caused by a severe race condition in software.
  2. Noncritical race circumstances have no direct effect on a system, device, or program’s final state. There would be a noncritical race scenario in the previous case if both switches switched on the light without generating any problems. Similar to this, a noncritical race condition in software does not result in a bug.

Not just in electronics or programming, but in many other systems as well, these situations can exist.

When many threads execute the same code in a vital area of a program, two main race situations can occur:


This happens when two processes read one value from a program and write a new value, possibly leading to a problem. It is anticipated that these operations will occur in the order described, with the first producing a value and the second reading and returning a different one. For instance, if two checks are processed simultaneously against the same checking account, the system may read the same account balance for both transactions, resulting in an inaccurate balance and possible overdraft.


Two processes examine a value in this race situation before acting externally. Just one of the processes can use the value after being checked by both, leaving the later process with a null value. This may result in the program using stale or unavailable data to determine what to do next. The first process takes the data, leaving the second process with a null value, for instance, if a map application runs two processes concurrently that each need the same location data.

Exploring the Security Risks Associated with Race Conditions

If you ask a program that is designed to handle tasks in a certain order to do more than one thing at the same time, it could cause security problems. A threat actor can use the time between when a service is started and when a security control takes effect to cause a deadlock or thread block.

A denial-of-service vulnerability that leads to a deadlock is one of the worst kinds. In a circular chain, it can happen when two or more threads have to wait for each other to open or close a lock. This leads to a situation called “deadlock,” in which the whole software system stops working because these locks can never be taken or given back because the chain is circular.

Thread block can also have a big effect on how fast an application runs. This type of concurrency bug happens when one thread calls a long-running operation while holding a lock and stopping other threads from moving forward.

Techniques and approaches for the detection and avoidance of race conditions

Race conditions are hard to find and fix because they are caused by flaws in the code and are, at their core, problems with meaning. To avoid these problems, it is important to write code that prevents them from happening.

Programmers use tools for both dynamic and static analysis to find race conditions. Even though static testing tools look at a program without running it, they often make a lot of wrong reports. On the other hand, dynamic analysis tools produce fewer false reports, but they might not find race conditions that aren’t directly executed in the program.

Data races, which often lead to race conditions, happen when two threads access the same memory location at the same time, and at least one of them writes to that location. Since data races need to happen under certain conditions, they are easier to spot than race conditions. Tools like the Data Race Detector from the Go Project can keep an eye out for these kinds of situations. Race conditions, on the other hand, are tied to the meaning of an application in a more complicated way and cause a wider range of problems.

What are the strategies to avoid race conditions?

There are two main ways for programmers to protect operating systems and software from race conditions:

Implement thread synchronization

This makes sure that at any given time, only one thread can run a certain part of the program.

Eliminate shared states

This means going through the code to make sure that atomic operations are used when a system or process uses shared resources. Locking mechanisms should be used to make sure that critical code sections are always run at the same time. Using immutable objects, which can’t be changed after they’ve been made, can also help stop race conditions.

It’s also important to note that race conditions can be fixed in a number of other ways:

Talking over a network

In networking, a race condition can happen when two users try to access the same channel at the same time and neither computer is told that the channel is already in use before access is given. Most of the time, this kind of thing happens in networks with long lag times, like those that use geostationary satellites.

To avoid this, a priority system should be set up so that only one user has access at a time. For example, if two users try to get into the system at the same time, the one whose username or number starts with an earlier letter or a smaller number may get access first.

Taking care of Memory and Storage

Race conditions can be avoided by making sure that memory or storage access happens in the right order. By default, when the read and write commands come in close together, the system does the read command first and finishes it.

Key Points

Race conditions can show up in many parts of technology, such as software, storage, memory, and networking. Actively finding and stopping race conditions is a key part of designing and developing software and technology.

Race conditions are especially important to stop because cybercriminals can use race conditions to get into a network without permission. The Dirty Cow attack is a well-known example of a race condition-based attack. It takes advantage of a flaw in the memory subsystem of the Linux kernel. This exploit creates a race condition that lets the attacker write to memory mappings that should only be read.


Race conditions are a common problem in many parts of technology, such as software, storage, memory, and networking. These conditions happen when multiple tasks that should be done in order are done at the same time, which can lead to unexpected and possibly harmful results. Race conditions can be either critical or not critical, and they can lead to security flaws like deadlocks and thread blocks.

To avoid race conditions, developers must use thread synchronization, get rid of shared states, use atomic operations, and add locking mechanisms. Race conditions can also be avoided by setting up priority systems in networking and making sure that memory and storage are accessed in the right order. During the design and development of software and technology systems, it is important to look for and fix race conditions, because cybercriminals can use them to get unauthorized access.

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