· social media · 3 min read
Why do I need an automation solution for my social media activities?
I am currently receiving requests to automate the publication of posts in all known social media channels. In this article, I outline a solution that is already being used successfully.

With the help of tools, life is made very easy to publish posts automatically in many parallel channels. There are many ways to configure how, when and where a post is published. For example, you can create scenarios: If you publish something in one social medium, it will be republished in one of the other channels or in the same channel but under a different account in its name. It is also possible to schedule posts for any social media in advance, i.e. when they should be published. For example: If you can’t be online at a certain time or your followers are in a different time zone.
Imagine you are a large company and you want to publish certain messages on all social media accounts at the same time. Maybe you are a social media influencer and you want to like or retweet all posts that appear with a certain #hashtag on Twitter or Instagram.
We all like to be on social media, but if you want to grow your followers and increase your reach, it’s not made easy. Firstly, you have to manage a lot of accounts in tandem. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Reddit, Youtube, and the list keeps growing every day. Secondly, you need to be active on all channels to get some relevance. Now a person can be really active on one or two social media channels, but being active on all of them every day is a tedious and time-consuming task. But you will not be taken seriously if you are not active and do not post, which will result in not having enough audience or attention on that particular platform.
The providers do this because they want to promote their paid products. Facebook charges money to the person who posts. And that is for making your written post accessible to all your followers. While LinkedIn offers a paid membership based on how active you are on their platform.
Ultimately, the social media providers track who is active and who is not and allocate the feed of the other channels based on that. If you are active, you automatically get an audience that organically matches your content and that makes you use or be active on that platform more than other platforms.
This is the common approach of all social media providers to lure you in and keep you happy by giving you incentives every now and then. It is a common psychological practice.
But I don’t have an hour a day to spend on each channel. How could I? There are dozens of social media channels. Despite all this, I want to be present and have a solution for it.
The solution
The solution to this problem is a bot. It acts for me as a logged in user and performs the same activities as a natural person. So the platform thinks the user is active and automatically helps the user gain more followers and a wider audience reach.
How does it work?
A number of free open source libraries are used, as well as official APIs from social media providers, to automate processes. It mimics the same steps you would take on the web, but the bot will do them automatically without human help or interaction. You can watch the bot do what it does and intervene and stop it at any time.